
Supporting you on your journey.

Ayurvedic postpartum recovery is a system of diet and lifestyle practices during the early weeks after giving birth used to optimize your recovery and long-term health after childbirth. All birthing people and mothers deserve and require a period of time to rest, heal, and replenish after the nurturing that was given prenatally.

This is an essential piece of the childbearing cycle.
And it’s very often the missing piece.

Hi, I’m Marisa!

I’m a certified Ayurvedic Postpartum Practitioner and Menstruality Mentor. My work is to care for the people who have birthed, or nurtured in their womb space.

I provide in-home Ayurvedic postpartum body care to birthers in the early weeks postpartum and beyond. It is my mission to help you regain your vitality and feel fully rejuvenated in the time after birth so you can enter this new chapter strong, resourced, and prepared for the journey ahead. 

Marisa’s Postpartum Recovery Offerings:

  • Restorative warm-oil postpartum massage (abhyanga)

  • Belly binding

  • Herbal bath soaks

  • Ceremonial Birth Bath kits

Forty two days for transformation.


Ayurveda says that the first 42 days after birth influence the next 42 years of the persons life.

It will affect their wellbeing, health, their ability to parent or mother, and their ability to partner. When a person gives birth they go through an initiation, regardless if it is their first baby, second, and so on (including miscarriage or loss). Just like a newborn baby, they are too fragile and open from this transition that their body, mind, and spirit have just gone through. In essence, they are as vulnerable as their baby, and need individualized support during this time of great restructuring.

This time is referred to as a Sacred Window.

It is within these precious first few weeks after birth that the birther has the unique opportunity to choose a path of deep rejuvenation or the path of deep depletion depending on the type of food they eat, their level of rest, and the lifestyle practices they integrate during this time. 

With proper postpartum care, specific foods, and lifestyle practices the new parent emerges from pregnancy and birth feeling strong, full of vitality, balanced, and capable to extend their love to their baby, family, and community. Their cup is full, and they have been nourished and nurtured. With proper support a birthing person can heal ailments and wounds pre-pregnancy, is able to connect and bond with their baby, and find new depth in the relationship with their partner.

The Sacred Window is about far more than just about ensuring that a birther recovers from pregnancy and birth.

It is about providing the space and time to become a parent, to support the transition, and create an opportunity for them to come out on the other side feeling replenished, confident, celebrated, inspired, and ready to thrive as they step into parenthood.


Body Care

Birth naturally brings change to all those involved. Marisa will help you create space and time during the early weeks after birth as you become a parent through celebration and nurturing care. 

Postpartum Ayurvedic Body Care services can help by:

  • Bringing balance to the postpartum body and supporting tissue healing

  • Improving sleep patterns

  • Easing tension, stress, and stuck emotions in the body

  • Cleansing the body after pregnancy

  • Increasing tone and vigor in the body’s tissues

  • Grounding one’s energy

  • Reducing incidence of postpartum depression

  • Improving circulation, lymphatic drainage, and nourishing the skin

  • Creating ceremony to honor the transition into parent and motherhood.


Postpartum Recovery Ritual

This nourishing ritual celebrates the beautiful transition into parenthood and consists of the basics of daily ayurvedic postpartum care.

Each home visit you will receive (Approx. 2.5 hours) :

  •  One postpartum abhyanga and ayurvedic head massage.
    (full body, warm-oil therapy using organic oils that have been infused with strengthening and restorative herbs using slow, ayurvedic methods)

  • 1L ready-made, pre-decocted postpartum herbal bath soak. Made with herbs, essential oils and flower essences (can be added to a warm bath after the abhyanga or later on in the day)

  • Two ready-made ayurvedic teas to soothe the nervous system, ground the body, support digestion and lactation

You will also receive:

  • One jar of freshly made organic ghee (made from grass-fed cows) to add to all meals and teas during the first 6 to 8 weeks (supports immunity, detoxification, hormonal balance and provides healthy fats and nourishment)

  • One jar of ayurvedic hydration and lactation tea

  • One package of shatavari sesame laddus - restorative, herabalized ayurvedic herbal treats that support lactation and enhance vitality.

Optional add-on - Belly wrapping (yours to keep after the session!)

Care packages are booked in a series of 1, 3, and 6 in-home treatments

Marisa offers a free, no obligation to hire, consultation before booking any care packages.

To maximize your healing benefits it is recommended to book in the first 6-8 weeks postpartum as close to the birth as possible, and to have visits clustered close together.

If you have passed this window, please know that you can still create deep healing with postpartum body care for years after you’ve given birth.



A single ritual body care session.
A beautiful gift for yourself, or a birthing person in your life.
Price includes travel and taxes.



3 treatments sessions.
A sweet recovery series to honor your body and begin healing.
Price includes travel and taxes.

$180 per session

$540.00 for the series


6 treatment sessions.
A perfectly balanced postpartum body restoration package
to reach new depths of healing.
When booking package 3 you receive a complimentary ayurvedic belly massage and herbal belly paste
Price includes travel and taxes.

$165 per session

$990.00 for the series

*25% non-refundable deposit required at time of booking to secure your spot.
Deposit is used as a credit toward your package

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